Our Services


We have a pedagogical facilitation for the poor children to be educated. From Standard VI onwards till College they are followed by an expert committee consisting of Salesian priests, brothers, sisters and Lay collaborators.

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Health Care

Fr. Guezou, a Good Samaritan encounters a leper- “My people have thrown me out like a dog. Who are you, the angel of God that you risk your health and life for a dying man like me?” The foundation continues to carry out this health mission.

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Social welfare

Jesus told the rich young man of the Gospel: “Go and sell everything and follow me”. He did not, but Duhayon did. Duhayon was the French man who sustained Fr. Guezou in his social mission to liberate the poor and the oppressed in the hills.

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Youth Welfare

The boys of the school in Yelagiri narrate: “What attracted us primarily to Fr. Guezou were not merely money and the possibility of some settlement in life. It was the type of relationship he established with us” one of them shared. “Seeing a foreigner and a priest working and playing with the boys was a total novelty for the people,” said Mr. Vincent, the carpenter.

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Fr. Francis Guezou Foundation

The main objective of Fr. Francis Guezou foundation is to build a community of alumni of Don Bosco Centre, friends of Fr

Life of Fr. Guezou

This foundation functions to mobilize funds for scholarships to be distributed to the deserving students from all availa

Friends of Fr. Guezou in France

The foundation connects the alumni of BICS Info Tech, Don Bosco College and Guezou Illam via www.guezoufoundation.org wh

Latest News

The Tenth Death Anniversary of Fr. Francis Guezou SDB, On 29th January 2019

Tenth Death Anniversary of Fr. Francis Guezou SDB

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Need your Prayers and Support

Need your Prayers and Support

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Fr.Guezou Feast Celebration 2017

Fr.Guezou Feast Celebration 2017

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